Asa - 10/25/2008
Conditions were perfect for HOTROCs first launch of their Fall season at their Asa launch site. Skies were clear, winds were light, and temperatures were in the low 80s.
One of the first M flights of the day.
Tom with "what's left of Spectra"
Spectra's remains boosts on a Kosdon K350. The flight made 5,115 feet and recovered perfectly.
An EX motor with some serious BLACK exhaust.
Mark with his new scratch built
Mark's rocket boosts on a J135 long burn.
Tom with Olympic Gold
Olympic Gold boosts on a K458. The flight made 5,980 feet and recovered perfectly.
John and Jenni's rocket
N power boost to 15,000 feet. The rocket was recovered safely.
Our brave, fearless, intrepid Launch Control Team lets fly a J275.
Tom watches from the control tower
Our brave, fearless, intrepid Launch Control Team lets fly a Skidmark motor into twilight skies.
Houston, we a negative orbital trajectory. After a spectacular boost, Robert's rocket lawndarts in front of Tom's Subaru.