McGregor - Founders Day
The Dallas Area Rocket Society held their annual Founders Day launch at McGregor on Saturday, August 18th 2001. Conditions were excellent if you liked HOT weather; temperatures were in the low 100s, winds were very light and skies were mostly clear after 2:00. There were a number of NAR and Tripoli certifications, including a Level 3 certification by Rick VanVoorhis.
I took a few photos, mostly of me and my rockets (sorry!). Click on the thumbnails for a larger image.
Rick VanVoorhis' "Gold Rush" boosts on an Aerotech M2400 Blue Thunder.
Ed Jacoby's "Nike Smoke" boosts on an Aerotech I284.
Stu Barrett's "Magnum" boosts on an Aerotech J540 Redline.
Tom Montemayor's "Bad Attitude" boosts on a Kosdon K700.
Tom Montemayor's "Bruiser" boosts on a Kosdon J850.